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 C8: For Family Members and Friends 

Below are some helpful tips for family members and friends when interacting and supporting a visually impaired person: 

  • Being helpful starts with being informed – one great way of in which a family member can provide assistance to a friend or family member who is experiencing vision loss is to learn as much as you can about their condition and the resources available to help them. 
  • Take the initiative – ask directly how you can best be of assistance. 
  • Ask before acting – if you see your relative having trouble with a task, ask if they need assistance before stepping in to assist. 
  • Be available – let your loved one know you are there when he or she needs you, and what kinds of help you can provide. 
  • Talk about it – learn how to discuss and work out solutions to problems together 

When supporting a friend or family member during vision rehabilitation, these are some things to consider: 

  • Talk to your loved one about vision rehabilitation, share the information you have found and encourage participation … but always leave the final decision up to him/her. 
  • Get involved in the independent living skills training. Learn as many of the adaptive techniques as you can. You can encourage others best by showing your willingness to take the journey with them. 
  • Learn about adaptations that can make a home environment safer for a person experiencing vision loss. These can include rearranging furniture for greater ease of movement, improving lighting, and using contrasting colors for greater visibility—such as placing a dark chair against a light-colored wall or a light sofa on a dark-paneled wall. 
  • Remember, rehabilitation is a family affair. Encourage discussion about vision loss and its impact among all family members—including young children. This is not the time for anyone to feel left out. 
  • Support your friend or relative’s desire to continue daily activities and cultivate new interests. 
  •  An older relative with vision loss can still babysit, help grandchildren with homework, or cook meals. Look for opportunities for your relative to provide assistance, not just receive it.